Monday, April 26, 2010


BLEH! i feel sick! my stomach hurts it started yesterday and i just is getting worse. Also it wasn't the best day at school ever either. I mean it was okay i guess every one is just nervous for tomorrow. Tomorrow we have our ISAT. The ISAT's we are talking now are really important. There important because they decide what class we are in next year like if we have to have study lab or get to be in honors. So there really kinda important So wish me luck and that i do well!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

grossed out

I am officially grossed out. its not the pleasantest thing when your dog eats a mouse. So  then you have to make it vomit. Which i learned something by it, by if you  take 1/3 of a tsp of salt it makes your dog throw up. But then my mom got so grossed out by the smell of the decaying mouse that she started to gag and  I volunteered to clean it up. She soooo owes me one! GROSS !

Camping last summer

Last summer we went camping and we love to go up in the mountians and go by rivers and take in the outdoors.

I love to walk along the road cause you will never know what you find like this llittle water fall.
My brothers and I love to throw rocks in the water when we are at the river.
My brother Anthony loves to do it the most but we got to make sure he doesnt throw a rock at my other brothers head again.

my dogs

here is a little bit more about me i have the two cutest dogs in the world.

this is the drama queen she will hold her head up high and walk around the backward. lol.
                             this is my other dog we got her for christmas and she is just a ball of energy. be careful she might bite.

My new BLOG!

ok here is my blog going be posting so cool things here pretty soon.

my songs

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